define what's within
if i ain't got you baby
i'm huiwen. |
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Friday, May 30, 2008, 10:22 PM
i find this so interesting(:which is "i feel it crawling deep into my core. so now im determined to pull out your bra and let you run helplessly on the road (:" anyway i know the person who came out with the sentences. so good huh? maybe some mental disorder people think of this.HAHAHA but i think it's good(: yeah yeah yeah i just hate some people. what huiwen loves to hate people. whatever okay. i hate people for some reasons not like..EWWW! she got body odour or EWWW! her voice sounds like a bitch. that's a bimbo's hates. not mine. im not going to list out what kind of people i hate.otherwise, wont it be easy for you to agitate me? HAHAHA asses,people! that day we went window shopping and happened to see this magnetic sheet which has these words: THE TOP TEN MOST HATEABLE PEOPLE well i find it rather interesting. imagine i stick it on my fridge and write who i hate and change the rankings daily (: e.g top 1. pussy top 2. MY SIS [maybe if she gets bitchy] top 3. banana top 4. papaya top 5. alien top 6. lipids ..... ..... ... .. . top10. some idiot HAHA then if my mum makes me unhappy that day, i might put her name down until i cool down(: i think those top 10 should be rather happy(: because they are in my top 10 most hate list XD HAHA sounds so american. like doing what an american kid will do. HAHAHA HAHAHA! today we were at ITAS playing poker cards. and AJ saw this typical singaporean chinese. AJ: WAH. see that girl. she got sponsored from SASA, THE MAKE UP STORE, THE FACE SHOP. TYS: yeah la. free flow of foundation. BURRR...if your complexion is not good, foundation cant cover your ugly complexion. if you are dark, then dont tan you dumb. [dont tan if you only want to attract people attention by wearing bikini, bitch] your face colour doesnt even match your body colour. PLEASE learn the art of make-up. well. after the camp, we gonna sleepover at mary house! SO FUN. and i wanna bake creme brulee and go sentosa(: but the day after the camp, we will be having buffet at TRIPLE THREE in meritus mandarin. i recommended to my dad and he decided to make a 30 pax reservation. you think easy job? i took down the information and made a reservation so my dad thinks that it's better if i go down to meritus mandarin to pay the deposit. since we have a big group going for a buffet, i will have special request like having tables near the buffet counter. burrr..i was once a hostess in aquamarine [marina mandarin] of course i know what's the best choice. my dad asked me why i didnt choose aquamarine as one of my choices is because good captains have left and the service might have deterioated. and my favourite manager got a transfer to the italian restaurant. and we had been there once when i was about 10? so i think why not meritus? because i heard many guests complimenting TRIPLE THREE. of course good restaurant comes with high price. -.- anyway the main purpose is to meet my cousins,aunties and to show ourselves to our grandma *-*. so i think it doesnt matter as long as we get together and have a great dinner (: well well. this holiday pris and i will be so on budget! yeah goodnight mary poppins
Saturday, May 24, 2008, 7:57 PM
just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down :Dcurrently watching: mary poppins HAHAHA! dont ask me why i am watching this old old disney movie.LOL! because i have disney channel (:i realise that when julie andrews was young, she's so gorgeous! pretty today my mood is good because i met eggplant :D and he gave me chips. i told him that i dreamt that i was a butch and i got a girlfriend XD he said that i was the butch since young because short hair= not feminine. yeah yeah whatever. he's then the butch in my dream! ASS.furthermore his hair is longer! even F.O.W people said that he's a girl XD girl is a man suit :D supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! term test's coming! 2-6 june WOWOW~ 100th post
Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 8:13 PM
okay fine i know this is nmot the first time i hit the 100th post.finally he's back from all those chalets..all i want to say is that i miss him. however this is not the main point of why im blogging today. let's do some questions when was the last time you cry? -just now? because i have a weak heart when was the last time you tell your mum/dad "i love you"? -sec 4 when they picked a quarrel with me saying that i didnt treasure what they gave me. when was the last time you get angry? -two days ago. my class rep said something offensive and brainless. when was the last time your boyfriend piss you off? -not long ago who was the last person to apologize for things that she or he had done? -my boyfriend [because i was patiently waiting for his reply which end up making me angry while waiting] second last person? -priscilla that dumb ass [because she said that adding extra chemistry knowledge into her brain is redundant] when was the last time you apologise? -today because i stepped on my friend's shoes what was the last vulgarity you have said? -FUCK which was 2 days ago what was the last titbits you have touched? -WAN WAN rice cracket when was the last time that you have kissed goodbye to candies? -5 hours ago AND whatever not in good mood. so im not going to further elaborate. wanna know my life? bloody KAPO! get your own life la idiotic ass fuckers happy sunday like always ;D
Monday, May 19, 2008, 2:56 PM
i gotta change the channel and turn the dial..trying to catch a break until then i saw her pretty face. so when i think of some busybody: dont ask me who. because i wont say it alright and dont force any of my best friends to say because they dont even know. okay it was a perfectly sunday morning(: mary went over to pris house to sleep over and i couldnt make it because of my dad LOL! but now im happy because he went overseas. then i met them up in the morning and got them some bread :D i know mary loves sweet stuff like chocolate and stuff so i bought her chocolate donut(: and kaya donut. for pris..she loves flosss! LOL..then we went ECP! guess what? BURRRR..of course all three know- ROLLERBLADING! after that we DDR-ed again. HAHA PRIS HAD IMPROVED! in a short period of time HOHO.she will be happy sia. she thinks that psychology really helps.what a dumb girl HAHA! after that pris went to meet someone mary and i went dating XD at parkway of course. shant tell what we eat XB because it's damn good. we went to look for slippers! because she needs one and the havainas slim slipper[white] that hubert bought for me as my belated bday present last year is spoiling soon can! RARRRRR..just nice NOVO is now having singapore great sales. all the slipper range from 9.90-16.90...WAHH say CHEAP OR NOT! but in the end we didnt buy because all the pieces are the last pieces. MARY! dont worry(: we will have one soon! so on the bus to parkway..we saw this cute lil mixed blood. chinese-american and TATA! i told zhengwei that this angel over here will then on be his guardian angel ^^ YEAH YEAH..i didnt implant that on my's just that i always hide it in my shirt XP for that, he rewarded me with haagen daz summer berries and cream ice cream! SO HAPPY CAN! i know it is his favourite but he gave it to me leh(: touching or not?! jealous or not?! HOHO both of us have this on our keys ^U^ the sweetest thing
Friday, May 16, 2008, 8:39 PM
i remember that day hui peng told me something and i felt like sharing with zhengwei. HAHAHA i asked him what is the sweetest thing i have said..he said that it was "your sweetness is my weakness." and now i told him this : today my geography teacher teaches me about map.she said that to find a treasure, you need to use a map. however without a map, i found you(: HAHAHA! he smiled and pinched my cheeks. im extraodinary can! im a sweeeeeeet tooth. some random pics this is what i had done during Organic Biological Chemistry.. ![]() ACCCCCCC!!! ACCION=ACTION PACK! ![]() small box>big box>bigger box! komez cheer is damn funny and cute HOHO what got to do with boxes sia..LOL ![]() my class A2 in Science in Food Preparation Lab! DAMN ZHAI XD my group peeps! mad scientists :D ![]() today CCN DAY! we love balloons :B AQM @ MM~ SUPER DUPER CAPTAIN LIEW(: we love mr DANNY! daddy danny okay! he sms-ed last week told me that he wants to go back cos he misses me! MM atrium lounge assistant manager-Josephine MUMMY! she really loves us can..everyday baby here and baby there..concerning us every sweet of her can! AH BOMB! my dearest dora [dora the explorer XD] pris looks like mr. POTATO with that specs LOL! at topshop fitting room(: vintage dress at my dearest darling house(: seriously, no offence HAHAHA
Sunday, May 04, 2008, 6:17 PM
HELLOs!last time i told pris that i had created a theory and one of its clause is called "short people that are below 160cm are evil". actually i was stereotyping. just because of a shortie [feel like stuffing its mouth with alot alot alot F words until it suffocates and die of f-ings LOL!], i made this unfair statement. however i still have to agree to it sometimes when i m rather pissed XD there are still many huiwen's theories. whenever jiaqi,mary and pris know about it, they will laugh loudly and say that im a crapper. HAHAHAHA! but half of those are true..isnt it? anyway we had a little mass phone conference about the friendship between both me and pris. HAHA..pris and the rest didnt know actually i cried on the phone (: which was AMAZINGLY good. because i was trying so hard to pretend that i was alright :D yeah..because alot mean and evil people such as banana,papaya and pussy were there to spoil and wreck our friendship. HOWEVER our ship is still very strong and has gone through many storms and robberies and theft LOL whatever it can be la. i quarrelled with her the most and found out that i love her the most (: i upset her because i didnt try to understand her feelings. she upset me too because our trust was about to combust into the ashes. she was angry with me because i wanted her support and made her in difficult spot. i was angry with her because i felt that she was not able to stand up for me. all these were tough times. i have to admit that i have alot of regrets, not because i quarrel with some suck ups and stuck ups in my life. it's because i hurt my best friend and i do feel hurt if my best friend feels hurt. understand? however it gets us closer :D dont jealous okay..because im applying this theory of mine.. "short people with bad intentions (esp. the one i mentioned) get v. jealous and they look hilarious because they are short" HAHAHA! okay la..frankly speaking not all shorts are bad can..and all these sentence only applies on one person HAHAHA. yeah la whatever because these are from the theory of the "shorts" XD i still got many many theories (: i know mary will giggle until she feels the stitches! well on labour day, i dated pris XD HAHA BTA-besties think alike ! we wore skirts(: and they are denim~ this shop caught our attention and pris was famished! i didnt pull her was the fragance of rice that made her float in XD we then decided to grab a seat. so you think it's like yoshinuya? have to make your own order(: introducing you this machine, ORDER-IT-YOURSELF [OIY] okay..pris wanted to take a photo with that exclamation she went to stick her head to the table so i can take a photo of her and it. however i suggested that she should do what i had done like... of course she's more narcastic...that's why her pose look nicer and dumb as usual XD we got into this art room and she immediately asked me to take a photo of her! SHE'S THE NARCASTIC ONE PEOPLE! TRUST ME (: to prove im not some narcastic people, i show you my back view(: i forgot to ask my mum to throw this mini chair hurts my ass so much ): even pris got so annoyed by that mini chair ACCION OUTING on sat 3/5/08 burrr...our dress code: formal so all of us had to dress formally like some hot date or something.dont ask why im the only girl in all the photos..there is only one answer to it-im the only active girl(: when i look at BJ Des[the one with white specs], he reminds me of goofy dog! HAHA trying to act dumb -.= WOWOWOW! so lady like :D BJ Des said that he wont mind being BJ Dar's gigolo XD A-C-C! A-C-C! eh sissy are you man ah?! are you man?! A-A-A-Accion *clap clap* *clap clap* ACCION! ACCION ACCION HU HA! LOL *splash* *splash* that's the end people. i will blog when i have the time(: |